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Some perspective on ratings

By: Adam Plumb 16.4 years ago
I understand a lot of you are getting frustrated with the new ratings system. However, the thing you need to realize is that the old system was convoluted and flawed. I could have kept it the way it was, but I want the ratings system to be a fair and accurate representation of people's abilities, and not just a ranking system. Indeed, as a ranking system it worked pretty well. Most of the old tanglers were on top and doing well, but the system wasn't accurately representing players' skill levels. For example, Paco, probably our best player, had a rating of about 1900, whereas I had a rating of around 1400. In any given round, he would probably double or even triple my score, yet his rating was only 1.36 times my rating. I wanted a person's ratings to show you how you would do relative to another person. So if your rating is 1200 and someone else has a rating of 2400, then they should generally get double your score in a game. If they get less than double, their rating goes down, if they get more than double, their rating goes up.

Paco and some of the other tanglers will probably plateau around 3000 to 4000 and never get any higher, which is alright. Once they get up there, normal folk like you and me will have a much easier time of it. I hope your frustrations aren't causing you guys to leave the site. But if you are considering, send me an email and I'll talk you down ;)