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Big changes to the forums

By: Alex Plumb 16.2 years ago
Hey everyone, sorry we've been so scarce lately. Adam and I have both been very busy lately! Nevertheless, I've been working a lot on the forums in my free time in order to address complaints and Adam has been doing the same for the game. Here is a rough outline of the changes that I put into the forums today (see 1.4.1 to 1.5 of the changelog for full details):

- Changed QUOTE tag layout.
- Made a lot of the text slightly smaller.
- You can now highlight text and then click on a tag to put the tag around the text.
- Differentiated between thread starters and posts within threads.
- Experimental: New posts are now automatically placed at the very bottom of each thread.

I'm still unsure of the last point, so if anyone has any complaints then I may change the functionality back if it's valid.

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