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Experimenting with some rating tweaks

By: Adam Plumb 15 years ago
I'd like to try an experiment with the ratings system to see if we can make it a little bit more exciting. As it is now, I believe the system does a pretty good job of nailing down how good you are relative to the other players. For example, if you have an 1100 rating and someone else has an 800 rating, then you will consistently beat them by 30-40%. And from what I have seen playing this game, this seems to bear out in practice. However, I'd like to see if we can mix things up a bit and make our ratings more fluid and volatile.

With that said, here are the new rules:

  • Winning players get a two point rating bonus
  • Players under 800 rating get a three point rating bonus
  • Players between 800 and 999 get a two point rating bonus
  • Players between 1000 and 1199 get a one point rating bonus
In addition to this, I've added a new element to the player's listing that shows how much your rating changes each game.

I'm hoping not to get tarred and feathered for this, so if people hate it I will definitely consider reverting back to the old system.

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