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A New Look and Facebook

By: Adam Plumb 11.8 years ago
You may have noticed an updated look, which is the result of some work I've been doing to get Serpentine playable on different screen sizes. It's also my attempt to further refine and enhance the look of the site and of the game. There is a lot less green now and a bit more blue, which should be pleasing.

Also new is new tabs in the game that let you see Recent Winners and your Recent Achievements, along with some visual tweaks to the game. I hope you guys like these!

Finally, I want to thank RosaKiana for putting up her Facebook page some time ago! We have an official Facebook Page now and even an official Facebook app, so you can play Serpentine from within Facebook. There is still some Facebook integration that needs to be finalized, but we're in good shape. If you can find some time, please go to the Facebook page and like or share it. Thanks!

FYI, for existing users with a Facebook account, you can link your Serpentine account to your Facebook account by clicking on your name in the top-right and click the big button that says "Link Account with Facebook". I'll take care of the rest.

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