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Initial tests for iPad and Android Tablet

By: Adam Plumb 10.4 years ago
Hi all, I'm happy to introduce initial trials for running Serpentine on iPads and Android Tablets! It has been a long road to get to this point, and we're still quite a ways away from it being a first class citizen compared to desktop PCs, but it's a place to start.

If you're interested in testing out Serpentine on your iPad or Android Tablet, simply point your tablet's browser to and play a game as usual. You may want to head into the Practice Room first so you don't lose any points in your trial.

We're at a point where I feel like it should work, but may not be a great experience just yet, so please bear that in mind as you give it a try! Once you do try it, please send me an email or click the "Problems" button and let me know how it went!

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