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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games PlayedAscending Order Change/Game Rating
shdbwrking 72843 0.0 2534
xxleaffanxx 73076 0.0 722
Hushtones 73188 0.0 1939
HogMeat 73227 0.0 623
pinky 73476 0.0 927
jerseyjill 73481 0.0 1776
bgkern 73521 0.0 1500
lynnar 73868 0.0 1545
haleyseviltw 74065 0.0 1404
Mean Ole Man 74110 0.0 1514
fayscrazy 74154 0.0 1406
collieresq 74239 0.0 752
cinalee 74316 0.0 1337
3Debbie3 74381 0.0 1127
Plantlady 74446 0.0 772
patciv 74771 0.0 1621
RoseWit 74836 0.0 962
babs 74848 0.0 970
TucsonNan 75260 0.0 1252
grouphug 75276 0.0 1668
jakametsu 75310 0.0 1732
Sugar1234 75338 0.0 1560
mellor 75589 0.0 1548
aduffer 75864 0.0 1629
sababa1 77249 0.0 1371
Queenie1 77336 0.0 1374
Thorne931 77422 0.0 922
sloopie72 78146 0.0 1506
mogford 78209 0.0 1915
Florida652 78245 0.0 930
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