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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games PlayedAscending Order Change/Game Rating
golem 105745 0.0 2314
bidget 105960 0.0 2002
Flosie 106856 0.0 765
alicat 106918 0.0 2503
cribmum 107182 0.0 1442
Minipaw 108128 0.0 1502
doodly 108667 0.0 997
bead 108835 0.0 1785
airhead058 110008 0.0 1482
donnaocnj 110185 0.0 1044
saffta 110194 0.0 906
sleere 110324 0.0 806
boggle22 110361 0.0 1739
minga 110501 0.0 1499
Suds 110891 0.0 1422
oliverkat 111008 0.0 1044
Jan123 111399 0.0 1101
TaterTete 111718 0.0 2705
neostar53 111736 0.0 502
clrmered 112814 0.0 514
navymom 113733 0.0 1159
MadTheSwine 114567 0.0 1571
GuyWithNoHogs 114776 0.0 1624
shirleyone2 115230 0.0 998
janetschm 115261 0.0 1383
turtle 116684 0.0 1364
Scamp6 118755 0.0 1351
butterfiingers 118824 0.0 1371
etherware 118897 0.0 2040
carolynf90 119152 0.0 1253
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