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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games PlayedAscending Order Change/Game Rating
Jlfrost01 550 0.0 577
SunShineGal55 550 0.3 1336
star 550 -0.1 663
SpilledMilk 550 -0.5 859
donna 552 0.0 1192
KatKeeperNH 552 0.3 754
jigsawer 553 -0.2 483
errorlul 553 0.3 967
Dana F 554 -0.2 1107
BeachComber 554 0.9 584
Reb_Shayelle 555 0.2 471
hjbro 556 -1.5 362
nayla 556 -0.3 860
Lisa60 556 0.9 852
ONGD 556 0.0 895
redladydg 557 1.1 1723
Megaprimatus 557 1.7 2155
rcase35 557 -0.1 623
periwinkle 557 -0.1 778
Basilenko 558 0.1 764
Greyve 559 0.5 1466
badatwords 559 0.0 735
lamoille 560 0.0 1201
flubberdoo08 561 0.0 595
FlaRN 562 -0.4 703
Zizabella23 563 -0.3 709
Falcyna 563 0.0 401
Any 564 0.0 564
assadi 565 -0.3 1042
hardrockruler 568 -1.2 529
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