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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games PlayedAscending Order Change/Game Rating
bunny 2116 0.5 2206
Samarah 2121 0.0 1213
lexophile 2122 0.1 1411
Nao 2125 0.1 1559
BraZandy 2128 -0.1 1044
a6brooksie2 2130 0.2 1599
tedmcglothlin 2133 -0.1 818
dzero 2134 0.0 620
blufy0009 2134 0.1 1160
Mooseypooh 2143 0.0 1130
eastcoaster50 2143 -0.1 833
greenjardine 2146 0.0 590
mustang8871 2149 0.2 823
jetsfan1 2163 -0.2 757
GoinCrazy 2168 0.1 897
Twitty 2171 0.0 1063
Kombucha64 2181 -0.1 524
flightytoo 2183 -0.1 1088
TangLaoShi 2185 0.0 1690
elik770 2189 0.3 1000
Katurax 2191 0.1 558
oldbutuseful 2196 0.0 761
Poopsiehen 2196 0.0 732
txtm 2199 -0.2 760
Aquarius 2199 -0.2 802
Qwin 2200 0.2 1649
margie442 2200 0.0 206
shudBinskool 2201 0.3 1735
allium 2205 -0.1 827
bgkern1 2206 -0.1 1056
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