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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games PlayedDescending Order Change/Game Rating
sunkfish 91 -9.5 338
BetterCallSaul 91 3.6 1530
bestia 91 4.2 482
ChickenWings 91 1.4 529
YouveBeenServed 91 -3.2 637
TylerMG1 91 -1.5 647
winecooler 91 1.7 925
Tazzy75 91 0.7 484
Irish_Rob 91 -0.2 267
casuallysam 91 2.1 694
pandanarak 91 -2.4 322
yosoyLou01 91 -2.2 433
darvog 91 -2.5 407
Craigolas 91 -2.1 362
superserge 91 -0.6 676
blakbeard 90 -3.5 886
scrambleanyone 90 -2.5 974
mswt 90 0.3 1231
theblaze 90 -1.7 648
Jagerr94 90 -1.1 602
90 -2.7 447
tomsucks 90 -2.2 481
2sliceCheese 90 -3.3 307
Cribzzmum 90 -0.2 1323
AngusFartbottom 90 2.2 1254
exilefromgroggs 90 -0.4 851
sailinbabe 90 -2.6 714
Talmain 90 3.3 1744
AKgirl 90 -0.2 584
Carrot 90 -2.0 635
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