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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

UsernameAscending Order Games Played Change/Game Rating
xiao_clone 40 -12.6 695
Xinc 124 0.2 1221
Xipe 38925 0.0 1319
xipetoltec 67498 0.0 1047
xJeyrina_playzx 26 -4.2 117
xnor 13 1.2 1094
xoavry 2797 0.1 842
XOraNge 95 -2.7 342
xperiment 37 -9.0 868
xrsighs 428 -0.3 976
xseed 70541 0.0 1196
xseeded 453 -0.2 1066
xseeding 8106 0.0 936
xseeeding 27 -8.6 969
xtinadiane 31 -7.8 443
xtinanina 48 -5.8 597
xVMx 88 -1.0 553
Xwordracercjg 36971 0.0 1369
XXJLgamingXx 153 2.1 724
xxleaffanxx 73076 0.0 722
xXLulNekkoFanXx 17 -7.2 537
xxx 2603 0.2 1038
xXxdfitzyxXx 572 -1.1 575
xxxmystique 161 -0.6 898
xyz 34 1.6 751
yaalan 11 -0.2 665
yadnivek 13 1.9 1225
yampa 9575 0.0 626
Yampants 1251 0.6 1928
yankeegal 18 -6.8 555
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