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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games Played Change/Game RatingDescending Order
nel8888 49 -6.7 211
u2204034 12 -6.7 211
ThaiGirl 21 -4.8 211
bassethound 38 -26.1 210
mtw 349 -0.3 210
cv 112 -8.8 209
Ehaf 50 -0.5 209
Roronoa06 29 -8.8 209
kilo 399 -2.5 208
mknights1 22 -45.1 208
eli 28 -4.2 208
theBot 13 -8.6 208
Ashboy101 51 -8.1 207
EhraMaricaban 11 -7.5 207
Frenchie 29 -7.6 207
elaine.sedlock 37 -5.2 206
margie442 2200 0.0 206
hana 16 -9.8 206
LindaLuv66 35 3.0 205
candykisshunna 46 -6.4 205
yu3nch 419 -0.3 204
MrsWakefield 55 -1.2 204
JesusLover 600 -1.7 202
Jacquie16 14 -8.1 202
sz_miguel 15 -11.7 202
nupss 12 -9.3 202
7DSenvy 15 -23.8 202
Snoopyfan 38 -4.4 202
j824769e 33 -1.3 201
Harlow 27 0.0 200
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