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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

Username Games Played Change/Game RatingDescending Order
Player 17 -8.1 199
danib 150 -1.9 198
dgmays 12 -0.3 197
shoshanna 251 -0.5 197
slowy 47 -4.1 197
ZXI 23 -43.7 196
pia 184 -1.0 196
inead 223 -4.5 195
Sherij 12 -10.7 195
AmaliaBeringuel 14 -2.1 195
verbosity 31 -5.1 194
Astr0Z0mbie138 21 -0.4 192
ANDRILES 18 -5.2 192
swiss 27 -8.0 191
Chainonnymojolo 31 -7.9 190
kissmonster802 109 -9.3 189
prosperous5757 168 -6.0 189
NPinay 40 -6.4 189
iago 71 -3.4 188
walmart11 13 2.5 188
johncpratt1 65 -5.2 188
Qwert 15 -5.6 188
RensOrze 17 -3.4 187
Tacocat 42 -8.2 187
Bookworm 43 2.0 186
kristyna11 13 -1.2 186
moiraman 65 -0.2 184
greyness 239 -4.3 184
MrClean 18 -6.9 184
tapwater 47 -1.9 184
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