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Ratings for Serpentine

The ratings in Serpentine are a determination of your skill level as a player. When you first start playing, everyone gets ten unrated games to practice, then Serpentine will estimate what it thinks your skill level is, and put you in the appropriate rating group.

Here is a listing of the top players:

UsernameAscending Order Games Played Change/Game Rating
justkiddin 192 -1.0 869
JustMe 178 -1.1 1004
JustMe@1 12 -7.8 940
justnate 55 7.2 998
Justnotlast 2564 0.0 854
Justology 3865 0.3 2372
justpeachy 11951 0.0 940
justpeachy2 10789 0.0 1154
justron 10448 0.1 2082
justsemantics 327 -0.8 935
justsprung 17588 0.0 1190
Just_Reality 12 -8.8 486
just_vibin 232 -0.4 874
juviejay1 1841 0.0 905
Juxta 49 -3.6 636
jvp 1567 -0.3 781
JW 915 0.0 888
Jyllana 93 -4.2 212
jzzytree 164 0.0 1098
J_OC 18 -9.3 276
K 1906 0.1 876
k0ehler3 144 5.2 1947
k1fq 36 -11.3 793
k8ekins 17 -1.0 1183
kabloona 1743 -0.4 553
kabob 150 -2.1 385
Kaboobydoo 28 -7.0 171
Kaboom 16 6.1 1586
kac54 133398 0.0 1367
KAC54b 11 0.3 1219
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