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By: Adam Plumb 16.5 years ago
Once upon a time there was a wonderous website called that brought me great joy. It provided free, well-structured, multiplayer word, puzzle, board, and card games. In addition, it kept track of ratings and allowed players to interact with eachother outside of the games. I was personally addicted to the Tangleword and Gomoku games, the former of which inspired this site. Indeed, I was so inspired that I pretty much copied the rules and structure of the Tangleword game to create my game, which I call Serpentine.

You may be wondering about the bizarre snakey-type names on this site. What started out as an inside joke between my girlfriend, Jenny, and I, has blossomed into a full-on obsession with the Cobra Dragon theme. Hence the name of the site, and the name of my first game: Serpentine.

The rules of Serpentine are exactly as you may or may not remember them from Tangleword. There is a 4x4 (or 5x5) sized board of random letters. You, as the player, must find as many valid words from consecutive letters (side-to-side or diagonal touching) as possible. Each word must be at least three letters, for which you get one point. Each additional letter beyond three will net you an extra point (i.e. a five letter word gets you 3 points). In addition, if you are the first person to get a certain word, you get a one point bonus! The game runs in roughly two minute rounds, with a short intermission between rounds. Furthermore, I've also carried over the ratings system from, such that each player starts with a rating of 1200, and that rating will increase or decrease based on your score and rating relative to the other players in the room.

One final thing I wanted to mention is that Serpentine is the first of what I hope are many games to come. I have a real fondness for multiplayer puzzle/word/card games, and you can expect these to show up as I make them.