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A few testing updates.

By: Adam Plumb 16.5 years ago
Thanks go to daemonic, shuggycouk, and alex for being brave and helping me with some very early testing yesterday. They found a bunch of issues that I had either ignored or not seen or not been able to test by myself. While I haven't fixed everything just yet, I've fixed a few issues:
  • Was constantly getting an "Invalid Response from Server" popup during the game.
  • An extra comma (hopefully) will not show up in the players listing
  • Chat/Player/Word listing windows now (should) scroll automatically
  • I've reworked the player/chat windows to be bigger and format better with different inputs
  • Added a "Leave" button, so that you get immediately logged out of the game (not the site though)
  • Tweaked the rating system
  • Now displaying game rules in the lobby of the game
  • Displaying a top 10 list of players in the lobby (based on rating)
I'll be setting up some bug/issue tracking software sometime soon.

Finally, I started some initial planning/work on the next game hopefully coming to the site, called Hiss. It's a play on the real name (that I heard of through jenny), Boo. The idea of the game is you have a few players in a match. The first player starts with a single letter, then the next player has to add a letter to that, and so on. Then it goes around and around until they've either created an invalid word or completed a valid word (and there are no more valid words). It should be quite fun, and will let me set up some new server logic for creating/joining matches that I didn't have to do for Serpentine.