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Boring administration type changes

By: Adam Plumb 16.5 years ago
This morning's work was mostly focused on boring administrative changes, like setting up a basic blogging tool (what I'm writing this in now), adding some basic logging/reporting functionality, and adding a page that lets me view/administer the people that have registered accounts. All pretty basic website stuff, but nothing really new for the users, except for some small tweaks that aren't worth mentioning.

The big thing right now that I want people to watch out for is the ratings system. Yeah it works, but it's pretty experimental, and I'm going to be tweaking it for a while to try to get it just right. The purpose of the ratings system is really to show you how you stack up against others, and to make it so really experienced players can't go into the beginner room(s) and tear the place up. I have a plan to separate ratings up into groups, like beginner, intermediate, and advanced, but I'm thinking of giving the group names a more snakey/dragony theme. Suggestions are always appreciated!