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By: Adam Plumb 15 years ago
I apologize for jerking everyone around the past couple days with regards to the rating system changes. I assure you, while I do want to please people and have them be happy with the game, I also want to be fair to everyone. And unfortunately, the bonuses were not really fair in the long run.

To try to keep you from coming to my house with torches and pitchforks, I've made a couple changes which I think people will enjoy.

  • I fixed the chat window scrolling issue. If you have scrolled up, it won't force you down again
  • During the game, it now predicts how your rating will change. And if you are behind, it tells you how many points you need in order to break even
  • I tweaked the interface in to use the space more efficiently
Again, I'm sorry for messing around. As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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