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How can this site be improved?

By: Adam Plumb 11.9 years ago
Hey guys, I'm motivated to improve Serpentine to make it more welcoming to new players. I am amazed and appreciative to all of the people who have decided to spend their time with Serpentine these past few years, and I really would like to make your experience better. I've also noticed that a lot of people who are new to Serpentine can be intimidated by the high level of competitive play, and I would like to figure out a way that we can be more welcoming.

One area I was thinking about making a change is how the rating system is shown to players. For instance, when many new players start their first game and their rating immediately plummets, many decide quickly that the game is too hard for them and they leave. I would really like to soften this experience somehow, but I'm not sure yet how to do it.

I'd love to hear some more feedback along these lines, as well as ideas for new games you'd like to play or variations on Serpentine. Here are some ideas from the Suggestion Box forum that I'm already considering:

  • Rotate word board with space bar
  • Add 4m/30s room
  • Add 1m/30s room
  • Add room with 6x6, 6 letters
  • Highlight the letters people are typing!
  • Add whisper chat
  • Link to from word list
  • Don't allow boards with less than 5 words

  • Discuss (1)