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Hi Adam, This is pretty neat - the green board and design. I'm wondering if you could please make the board a bit smaller (in proportion to what is there) so that we can see the entire board easily? I heard another player saying that when she shrunk the board to a good size, the chat was too small.
Also, the word list on the left has green words. I'm finding them difficult to read as they are very light. Could you please make them bolder or a stronger colour?
And the last thing - the number of words left chart - it's pretty spread out when the board is larger (to see the chat well) and for me anyway, not easy to see the entire thing at one glance. This could be done easily on your last page you designed. It's just a bit spread out.
Of course, my issues could be because I have cataracts... but so will others.
Thanks for asking for comments and I think what you are doing is great.
JO (mojo)
Subject Creator Date
»  Notice anything different around here?adamplumb04/29/2013 3:16PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Beehive04/29/2013 5:58PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Rill04/29/2013 5:00PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?bakanino04/29/2013 6:14PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb04/29/2013 6:43PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Guest510004/29/2013 6:46PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?buffy04/29/2013 7:05PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?dmandreae04/29/2013 7:13PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?buffy04/29/2013 7:15PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?acinchi04/29/2013 10:11PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?ItzMePrettyinPink04/29/2013 10:30PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?LaceShawl04/29/2013 11:05PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Lionyx04/30/2013 1:42AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?annilondon04/29/2013 5:27PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?abbynormal04/30/2013 2:38AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?bakanino04/29/2013 7:30PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb04/29/2013 8:59PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?acinchi04/30/2013 12:04AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Lionyx04/30/2013 4:14AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?missymae04/29/2013 3:48PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Guest504204/29/2013 5:18PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?hazelwitch04/30/2013 4:51AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?DUFF21704/30/2013 10:15AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?b104/30/2013 11:19AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?acinchi04/30/2013 1:40PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?jean102604/30/2013 12:25PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?nslaweare04/30/2013 2:13PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?MRBOGGLE04/29/2013 11:57PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb04/30/2013 9:18AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?MRBOGGLE04/30/2013 2:59PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?1Justice10104/30/2013 4:02PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?mojo04/30/2013 7:29PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?tannline04/30/2013 8:12PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here? Please consider laptop screenstannline04/30/2013 8:09PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here? Please consider laptop screensadamplumb05/1/2013 11:08AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?MRBOGGLE05/1/2013 1:11PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?accidental05/1/2013 1:43PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?ellemay05/1/2013 3:20PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/1/2013 3:58PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?varumba04/30/2013 3:08PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb04/30/2013 3:57PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?bakanino05/1/2013 3:19PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?varumba05/1/2013 4:47PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?upended05/1/2013 9:29PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?MRBOGGLE05/1/2013 10:41PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Guest703005/2/2013 2:56AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?pitzikat05/2/2013 3:01AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?buffy05/2/2013 6:57AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?becar_04/30/2013 10:57PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?nslaweare05/1/2013 2:42PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/2/2013 2:21PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?pitzikat05/2/2013 2:41AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/2/2013 2:25PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?acinchi05/1/2013 3:47PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/1/2013 3:56PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?acinchi05/1/2013 4:43PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?pitzikat05/2/2013 1:49AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/2/2013 2:27PM
»  please have a warning about pointsFlosie05/2/2013 6:02PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Lionyx05/2/2013 6:38PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?hazelwitch05/3/2013 4:38AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?Katroushka05/3/2013 10:26PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?acinchi05/5/2013 2:15PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/6/2013 11:03AM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?nipple_05/7/2013 3:27PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?MRBOGGLE05/8/2013 3:44PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here? - NTVYCanisMajoris05/8/2013 11:34PM
»  RE: Notice anything different around here?adamplumb05/10/2013 10:48AM