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Before I make any decisions about premium memberships and all that, I decided I needed to make Serpentine run better for people. The game should be less laggy, the words chart should show up every time, and mousing should work better. So today and yesterday I rewrote parts of the server and the game to be more efficient, hopefully fixing some of the lag issues and the word chart issue. Please leave your feedback in the comments section and let me know if you notice any difference, good or bad.
FYI, you may need to refresh your browser in the lobby and in the game. Otherwise, the game will not work.
Update: We ran into some unintended snags and I had to revert the changes back, so the word chart is back to being buggy.
Subject Creator Date
»  Invisible improvementsadamplumb03/10/2010 9:49AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsDon03/10/2010 10:03AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsdiva4303/10/2010 10:26AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsadamplumb03/10/2010 10:47AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsMadTheSwine03/10/2010 10:56AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsGeektragedy03/10/2010 11:12AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsdiva4303/10/2010 11:25AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsatoz12303/10/2010 1:25PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementschrisck12303/10/2010 2:32PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsfreefrida03/10/2010 3:17PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsMercy4Me03/10/2010 7:45PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsrazz03/12/2010 9:36PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsDon03/14/2010 1:07PM
»  RE: Invisible improvements - mousingninnawe10/2/2011 5:40PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsLeonsMaMa196210/4/2011 10:24PM