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I've never really gotten used to this mousing system but used to use it in Tangleword. I'll continue to type, thats not that
big a deal the last week, it seems every time I come into this game, I lose sound. Something seems to be changing my sound from headphones to speakers. I've reinstalled my headphones & updated drivers and now can get sound anywhere but this game. Any ideas?
Subject Creator Date
»  Invisible improvementsadamplumb03/10/2010 9:49AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsDon03/10/2010 10:03AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsdiva4303/10/2010 10:26AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsadamplumb03/10/2010 10:47AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsMadTheSwine03/10/2010 10:56AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsGeektragedy03/10/2010 11:12AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsdiva4303/10/2010 11:25AM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsatoz12303/10/2010 1:25PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementschrisck12303/10/2010 2:32PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsfreefrida03/10/2010 3:17PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsMercy4Me03/10/2010 7:45PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsrazz03/12/2010 9:36PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsDon03/14/2010 1:07PM
»  RE: Invisible improvements - mousingninnawe10/2/2011 5:40PM
»  RE: Invisible improvementsLeonsMaMa196210/4/2011 10:24PM