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hi all, I made a small update today that should fix one of our more long-standing bugs, which is that people will not get the word chart at the end of the game, or they only get it sometimes. Let me know if you are still not seeing the word chart after games. FYI, you may need to do a refresh in the lobby and/or in the game in order to connect to the game or lobby.
One other small change is that now, instead of having two 5x5x4 rooms, I've changed one of the rooms to be a 5x5x5, meaning there the board is 5x5 and the minimum word length is five letters as opposed to four.
Here is a quick update on where things are with premium memberships. I'm the kind of guy that generally will come up with an idea and then immediately rush in and try to implement it, and that almost happened with the premium memberships idea. However, I realize that going forward with premium memberships is a big deal and affects more than just myself. So I've decided that what I'm going to do is continue to think about it and maybe spend some time making donating more streamlined and more visible instead. I'm not saying the idea is dead, but it is on hold for now. I appreciate everyone's encouragement and the ideas they provided regarding this issue.
Subject Creator Date
»  Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsadamplumb03/23/2010 12:02PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium MembershipsPbromide03/23/2010 3:50PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsfzr103/23/2010 4:04PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsjaanny03/23/2010 4:38PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsadamplumb03/23/2010 5:25PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium MembershipsSugar123403/24/2010 12:31PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium MembershipsMercy4Me03/26/2010 5:53PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium MembershipsBratty103/24/2010 7:48AM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium MembershipsSierra03/28/2010 6:29PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipswelki04/4/2010 2:17PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsnightrunner04/8/2010 9:39PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsoboehobo04/11/2010 8:06PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsnslaweare03/23/2010 1:32PM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsmooska07/9/2010 2:35AM
»  RE: Today's Changes and Update on Premium Membershipsroweboat07/13/2010 4:54AM